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Facts for visitors in regard to Nyepi Day

DENPASAR ( For both foreign or domestic travelers, Nyepi is a day for catching up on sleep, writing letters or washing. Others may wish to a plan a side-trip to Lombok (which is predominantly Moslem, and won't close for the day), but you will miss out on the festivities prior to Nyepi, which occurs on April 13, 2002.

However, if you are to be in Bali for the Nyepi Holiday, there are few things to bear in mind to respect the Hindu people who are celebrating their Icaka New Year 1924:

  1. The silence begins at 6 a.m. of April 13 until April 14 at 6 a.m.
  2. Ngurah Rai International Airport will be totally closed on Nyepi, except for technical landings and emergency such as medical evacuation and for the transit passengers. There will be no arrival or departures on that day. All connecting airports around the globe have been informed of this.
  3. You should not plan to take trips on April 13, as there is no activity in the bus terminal and most importantly there will be no traffic on the whole Bali Island.
  4. Show your mutual respect for Hindus by staying inside your home or your hotel. Do not go out of the compound. Should you need food or anything to buy, do it on the previous day because on Nyepi all business enterprises are closed and all daily activities throughout Bali are suspended.
  5. Don't make any noise while you are at home (or in your hotels). If you want to play the music, please keep it to a minimum, as no light or sounds are allowed.

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