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As High as the Kite Could Fly: Bali Kite Festival 2008 is arrived


Bali Kite Festival will be held again this year on 10 until 13 July at Padang Galak Beach in Sanur. For the whole weekend, Sanur sky and street will be invaded by traditional huge kites.

It is expected that the festival will attract hundreds of teams to compete their kites during the four days festival. The teams that consist of a group of young men completed with gong kebyar (traditional marching gamelan orchestra) will take part of the festival along with their traditional costumes.

Each team will bring two or three huge kites, packed on the truck and sometimes caused traffic congestion on the streets while transporting them to and from the competition site.

The festival also attracting international participants as Malaysia , Japan , Germany and India had shown interest to take part of the kite festival.

The registration will be opened at Fingerprint Museum located at Jalan Hayam Wuruk Denpasar. The participants will be required to attend a technical meeting on July 6th during which rules and guidelines will be distributed to all teams.

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