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Jurassic flower at Botanical Garden in Bedugul

DENPASAR ( If you want to a see gigantic flower then visit Eka Karya Botanical Garden in Bedugul, Tabanan this month as the Jurassic flower blooms perfectly. So do not wait any longer, just ask your guide or driver to go to Bedugul to see the rarest flower in the world.

Called by local people, Corpse flower, it is a plant with edible root and evil-smelling flower. The flower can reach over three meters high. Four years ago, the flower had bloomed for the first time at Botanical Garden in Bedugul and this week is the right time to see the flower that has the latin name Amorphophallus titanium beec. As some observers have predicted, this week the flower will blossom perfectly.

On April 4th the blossom appeared and it can be seen for more than a month. This Jurassic flower commonly appear at the beginning of raining season in December until February, but sometimes it may not appear until March or April. And WCMC has put this flower high on the protection list to avoid it dying out.

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