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'Day of Plants' to be celebrated in Bali

DENPASAR ( Balinese Hindus are to celebrate the special day devoted to the Lord of all Plants, in Balinese known as Tumpek Uduh or Tumpek Atag Day. On this day, blessing ceremonies are offered for good crops and products, held at every plantation and farm throughout the Bali.

This month, this religious day will be held on October 26, 2002. All families prepare for the ceremony from early in the morning by dressing up plants before giving them offerings and saying prayers. In addition to honoring crops, the Balinese also pay homage to their coconut palms and other trees, all of which play an important part in Balinese culture and life. Especially in the south of the island, the trees are dressed in traditional Balinese clothes, complete with headband (in Balinese called udeng), a kilt-like kamben, and a special scarf (in Balinese called saput), as a belt. The tree is then ceremonially hit with a hammer to notify it that offerings are nearby and to ask it to produce abundant fruit.

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