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Kissing in
public to delight

Located in the southern part of Denpasar, Sesetan Village will offer the chance for teenagers to kiss their opposite sex in public. This traditional festival is always held a day after the celebration of Nyepi Day, occurring on April 14 this year. The festival is called as Med - Medan Festival.

Teenagers gather in groups according to their sex. Music from a Bleganjur accompanies them as they walk in an elliptical shap. As the music gets faster and fast, the groups come close together until the first person in each group kisses a member of the opposite sex. Appointed people act as referees. Other participants then follow until everyone has had a chance to be the first person. Both groups pray at the local banjar prior to the ceremony.

The aim of this event is to protect the village from unwanted happenings. Banjar member Gede Arya Sudira recounted a story about one year when they did not perform the festival. Two huge pigs subsequently fought in the in the place where the festival should have been held, and the could not be separtated. Since then the villagers have always been sure to carry out the festival.

The festival itself is an entertaining event at which visitors are most welcome. Unfortunately, you can only participate if you are a member of the village banjar…

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