Calendar of Events in Bali

In addition to the processions of cultural and religious rituals of daily life, of course. Temple festivals occur all year round. The Odalan, for example, is the anniversary festival of a temple. Given the number of temples in Bali, you can practically find an Odalan every day. And on every Odalan, elaborately prepared offerings are presented to the gods and the goddesses, and nightly performances of ritual dances or wayang kulit, accompanied by the brilliant sound of a gamelan orchestra, gather the young and the old of the village.

Click here for Events and Festivals for 1996.

* Pagerwesi Day: October 18, 1995
The entire island will perform religious rituals devoted to the deity Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru, the creator of the universe.

* Galungan Day: December 27, 1995
Considered the most important day in a Balinese life, Galungan commemorates the world's creation and the victory of good over evil. Elaborate offerings decorate every temple and festive ceremonies are held throughout the island.

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