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Batik Home Industry (Permanent Exhibition)

Batik making

Situated to the Eastern outskirts of the city, there is an an interesting permanent exhibition of batiks in classic and modern designs. The process of batik can also be seen here, both the hand drawn and hand stamped.

For a small fee you could ask one of the ladies to draw a design on your T-shirt as a permanent keepsake of your visit.

Port Vredeburg (Oldest Fortress from Colonial Period)

In front of Gedung Agung is an Old Dutch Fort called Fort of Vredeburg. The restored fort now is a museum showing the history of independent movement. It was constructed in 1765 on a design by Frans Haak, occupying the site of an earlier earth fort called Rustenburg which was built in 1761. It took 23 years to finish. As a foothold within the Sultan's domain, it contributed a great deal to securing the Dutch position. Many prominent leaders and members of Yogyakarta royal house were confined here before being exiled from Java.

fort vredeburg

The Bird Market (Pasar Burung Ngasem)

Besides owning a house, a keris (dagger), and a horse, a perkutut (turtle dove) is very much cherished for its mellow cooing as a symbol of prestige. The price of possessing a lovely singing turtle-dove would be an acceptable reason for the passionate attachment of the owner to his pampered pet. There are singing contests organized annually and much care is given to this branch of hobby. Ornithologists may find a variety of tropical birds available, and interesting and beautiful bird-cages. Business is from 9 am to 4 pm.



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